Halloween is on the way, which means the time has come for nasty and eerie looking foods and drinks to make their appearance. It’s really strange that things like vomit, brains, fingers, which usually make the stomach churn, start looking appealing during Halloween. Because it’s Halloween, and things have to be according to the theme. So bring the fear factor a few notches higher with these gross, ghoulish and scary Halloween recipes.
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Top 25 Gross, Ghoulish And Scary Halloween Recipes
Candied Apples:
Woah! These candied apples look like they’re dipped in blood. It will send shivers down the spines of anyone who sees it.
Puking Pumpkin:
It seems that this pumpkin consumed too much of guacamole and is puking day and night.
Bloody Good Cheesecake:
This Bloody Good Cheesecake is one of the spookiest dishes we’ve seen in a while. It looks like blood is dripping from the cake. And since the cheesecake isn’t white, it’s looking even more lifelike.
Rice Krispy Treat Brain:
No one would’ve even thought that their favorite snack could look so unappetizing. But as they say, creativity can make you do anything and this is the perfect example.
Blood Drip Cupcakes:
Channelize your inner vampire by making these blood drip cupcakes for you and your family. Don’t you think the blood looks lifelike?
Witch Fingers:
The best thing about these witch fingers, apart from the creepy, but realistic look, is the use of jam instead of food coloring. The author also states that you can you whole wheat flour for a 100% whole grain version. Cool, isn’t it?
Meat Head:
Now that’s one amazing looking meat head. It’s basically plastic skull covered with meat ham strategically and takes just a few minutes to assemble. But hats off to the creativity.
Blood Clot Biscuits:
These look really gnarly and ghoulish. You guests will need quite a many affirmations for eating these biscuits. But once they start, they won’t be able to stop at just one.
Spider Eggs:
Despite belonging to the spiders, these eggs look extremely delicious. And not a single food coloring is used for creating this masterpiece. Blueberries have been used to give the spider egg like effects.
Spooky Worm Halloween Jello:
You’ll find all the creepiness in the detailing of this food. If you’re serving children this dessert, just stay with them for a while so that they don’t freak out seeing a spider on their food.
Vampire Caramel Apples:
These don’t look as scary as they look funny. The teeth effect has been achieved using marshmallows. And don’t worry about the apple and caramel combination. They pair terrifically.
Brain Biscuit Cookies:
Those walnuts coated in red actually look like brains. And the splattered red color on the cookies is confirming it. We can’t help but admire it, even though it looks freaky.
Creepy Millipede Cake:
Now that is seriously creepy. We wonder how many hours it must have took the blogger to finish the millipede. The legs, especially will take a lot of time. But we must say that the detailing is fantastic.
Rat Plague Brownie Bites:
This can make anyone’s skin crawl and stomach churn. But we’ll help you feel a bit better. The rats are basically made from chocolate brownies.
Monster Claw Halloween Cupcakes:
Here’s another intelligently made cupcake. The red frosting is making it look even scarier. Can you guess to whom these claws belong to? Let everyone guessing.
Googly Eye Donuts:

We don’t want to sound gross, but it seems that this donut is slathered with vomit. The topping is made using vibrant green Wilton melts and chocolate googly eyes. The end result will be amazing.
Dracula Dentures:
You’ll either laugh or scream seeing these Dracula dentures on the tray. Since it combines marshmallows, you can consider it as an update to the classic s’mores.
Blood-Clot Shots:
This is seriously gross and can disturb a few minds greatly. We’d suggest you not to serve this drink to children or even bring them in front of children.
Jelly Worms with Oreo Dirt:
People will find really hard to believe that these aren’t real worms. And the idea of serving it with Oreo dirt is taking it on another level. Let’s give you hint; these worms are made using straws.
Deadly Halloween Cake:
The decoration of this cake has been done in the spookiest way possible. The severed finger is looking totally cool. And so are the red detailing.
Halloween Spaghetti:
We bet most of you weren’t expecting a black spaghetti here. We honestly love how well the spaghetti is cooked. It’s looking really smooth and non-sticky.
Severed Fingers In A Bun:
This is probably the easiest scary Halloween recipes. You just need to cut off a thin section from the hotdog so that it appears like a finger. And don’t forget to make a few cuts to make it look like knuckles. Smother some ketchup on bun, place the hotdog and serve.
Halloween Spider Cookies:
It seriously looks like the cookie is infested with spider. All you need to do it make the feet of spider on the chocolate chips just when it comes out of the oven.
Toxic Waste Mac And Cheese:
This looks really like toxic waste. Perhaps you can prepare it if you and your friends are chemistry students. They will really appreciate your creativity.
Halloween Dessert Table Skeleton:
If you’re comfortable serving skeleton on your table, then you can go ahead with this elaborate recipe. It’s sure to take everyone by surprise.
Which of these scary Halloween recipes do you think was the creepiest? And what are the scary Halloween recipes have you made until now? Let us know by commenting below.